Although some bars definitely lean more one or the other, many so-called “Rope bars” have S&M play, and vice-versa. Bundling the two categories together, but use best judgement on particular places. Self described “SM Bars” will tend to be a bit more service-oriented (and priced accordingly).
Rope and SM Bars in Tokyo run the gamut from small one-person operations, to much larger, more commercial clubs geared at providing pro-domme services. Typical bars (esp listed here) are mainly places for likeminded people to get together, drink and chat. Play is often secondary, and not guaranteed.
[Browse the Rope Bar category here] [Browse the S&M Bar category here]
Whenever play occurs, it is most often between [] staff and [sub] patrons: depending on place, time, etc. and upon request staff will engage in (light) S&M play or tie a willing patron. Most Rope bars are managed by an experienced kinbakushi, who will be happy to share a few pointers with fellow riggers, or demonstrate with a model at hand.
Whatever play happens, tends to be fairly tame, and absolutely no genitals ever come out.
Similar to hostess bars: pay an entrance fee that can cover a few hours, then pay by the hour. Depending on the place, the fee might include an all-you-can-drink plan, or that might be separate (and expensive). As a rule of thumb, the more service-top-oriented, the more expensive hourly fee and drinks will be.
Although there might be happy exceptions, the overwhelming majority of staff and patrons at these bars will not speak much, if any, English. While they will generally be more accommodating than more overtly-sexual places (like Happening Bars), a patron who does not speak any Japanese, might not get a lot out of the experience.